Friday 11 March 2011

Short film-'Signs'

This film has a clever idea when thinking of a way to meet someone new. The theme of this short film is 'communication' and how by being non verbal and using just signs to have a conversation speaks volumes and shows silence is golden. It also shows the simplicity of finding love. The start of the film introduces the main character to the audience by showing his day to day life in normal pace edit shots, without showing too much detail and unnecssary shots. By the expressions on the mans face you can tell that he isnt completely happy with his life and is missing something, for example he looks lonely as he lives by himself and doesnt seem to fit in or have friends at work. Whilst this is being shown, the music in the background goes with this as its very slow and a sad sounding piece of music, which goes with how he's feeling inside. Which also helps the audience to connect emotionally. The story then progresses when he starts to communicate with a female in another office with the use of messages shown through the windows, and roughly half way through the film the edit pace starts to speed up as he starts to feel happier. The music changes also, to a more cheerful sound and speeds up which then indicates that something good is going to happen. The film ends with a happy ending with the two main characters meeting. Throughout the film there is no verbal dialogue just the use of story telling through signs, and the use of camera shots and filming tells the story with no complications.This film would be shown as a showcase of the directors work.

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