Tuesday 1 February 2011

Short film-'Lovefield'

This film was well executed and cleverly filmed. When watching this, your feelings at beginning are very different to when it ends. The opening to this short film comes across rather mysterious, as you are unaware of where the location is, the colours are dull for example the sky, the background music sounds like something out of a 'thriller' genre and the crow which represents 'death' makes you feel something bad is going to happen. Throughout the first few minutes of the film you are lead to believe that a woman is being attacked and murdered, the camera helps create this effect as its slowly revealling objects on the ground such as 'blood on a napkin' and a knife being put into the ground. The location of the film is set in the middle of 'no where' which adds to the suspicion that a murder is being taken placed. The story then goes on to reveal that the woman who we thought was allegedly being killed was infact giving birth with the help of the man. Therefore the theme to this is 'prejudice'. Therefore the subject to this short film is not to judge too quickly. The camera shots doesnt show you alot, just specific objects to make u think something bad is happening, until the end, when the shots get more distant and shows the audience the whole location and whats going on. The weather then turns very bright and sunny, which is reflecting the happy atmosphere. The style to this is very filmic, and would be the sort of film used to showcase somebody's work to get into the film industry.

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