Wednesday, 20 April 2011


During the making of our film and also just being A level media students we found that we couldnt be as creative as we wanted to be due to the casting, genre, money, time, our group and technology.
Money was an issue as the film we were going to make would have to be funded by me and my group, so we were limited to how far we could travel to film and what we could use prop wise. Therefore we ended up going to the closest location due to petrol fees to film on a beach, which was felixstowe, instead of wanting to go further a field.
Time wise we had to think wisely as we didnt have long to come up with an idea, to plan everything and to actually film it, and this restricted us as we had to come up with suitable ideas which were possible and realistic to do in the amount of time we had to do it in.
Working in a group can limit your own creativity as you cant just do what you want to do, listening and putting everyones ideas into the process is part of the project. Certain ideas of your own may have to be put a side due to disagreement from other members or if another idea is liked better than your own.
Casting people for our short film would not be an easy task if we needed a lot of characters in it, as finding people who arent neccessarily actors to be in it would be difficult also getting a lot of people to be free and meet at the same time on the same day in order to film would be a hard task. With not a lot of people being willing to be on camera whilst having to find people who suited the types of characters we needed, it makes it harder to find and cast people.
With the lack of reasonable didgital technology our short film could of been better. We were given a small mini flip camera to use, and the issue with this was that the screen was rather small, so when filming on it it wasnt that clear and would have to wait until we had loaded it up onto the comupter to see it more clearly.
With any film in order to make it work and meet the expectations of the audience the codes and conventions need to be followed but whilst doing this we have to cut back on our creativity.

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