Tuesday 26 April 2011

Special effects

In our film we did use some special effects to make it look more interesting and less amateur, we also wanted to use effects that would go with our topic and portray someone being mentally ill and having certain types of issues. An example of this is where we super imposed some images together to create the effect of  being able to see double, suggesting someone having unsteady vision and showing a dizzy effect. This links well with the mental health issue to represent someone not being well, it could also indicate someone having two different sides to them through the illness. We used the zoom effect to get a more in depth view, for example when the three characters were standing in a line on the beach with their backs towards the camera. Using the articial zoom it could give a sense of being trapped when visually looking at the zoom scenes in the short film. We used this technique on several occasions, for instance when Megan is sitting on a bench with the angel and devil beside her, the shot then zooms onto her face to show a close up of her looking and feeling confuesed. Also when the boyfriend is stuck in the boot of the car with the effect leaving him looking trapped. We used the method of slow motion in the part where the three females are standing together looking towards the sea giving time for the audience to feel some emotion towards the situation of Megan.

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