Sunday 20 March 2011

Filming diary

On the day of filming we started In the morning and began at school to film with josh who played the boyfriend, to do the scene where he's in the boot of the car. Other shots included was the dominant shot of jazelle shutting the boot of the car, and a shot of josh being trapped inside.
Next it was the scene at Jess's house which was round the corner from our school, this is where the kitchen scene was filmed.
The shots of just the character Megan was the shot in the kitchen. Then film the shots of just the devil.
Shots of the car were then filmed, for example, Megan getting in and out of the car, the door shutting, plugging her seat belt in, Megans first word, turning the key, and reversing the car.
Then back inside the kitchen the shots of the angel and devil scenes were filmed. Also with the character Megan.
At lunch time we then went to our next location which was at the beach in felixstowe. When we arrived we got set up ready to start filming.
We filmed all three main characters on the beach, walking beside the beach and sitting on a bench near by the beach.
Early afternoon we then made our way back to school to load up our film ready for the editing process.

The day had been successful and we were pleased with how things had went and worked out, no major issues were caused through out the day of filming and we managed to get all our filming done in one day as we had planned and expected.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Planning our film

Me and my group arranged to sit down to work out a plan to prepare ourselves for when we would have to start filming. We had to organise certain things like where our final locations would be, what props we would possibly need, what day we would start filming, with taking into consideration what days everyone was free. we talked about various shot sizes and angles we could use whilst looking at our story board as a guide to help. We decided that one day should be enough time to complete our filming and that we would spend a few hours each at the two locations that would feature in our film. In having this meeting with my group its helped us to arrange when and where we will be meeting up and how we will go about filming our short film.

Friday 11 March 2011

Final idea for short film

After thinking of other different ideas and directions we could go in whilst thinking of what to do for our short film, we came up with the idea of having a conscience playing on someone’s mind and making them question on what they should be doing, for example what’s the right thing to do and what’s not acceptable . We came up with the idea of having an ‘angel and devil’ constantly saying the opposite things, playing in the back of someone’s mind. It will show what’s going on through the persons head whilst thinking of what to do. The rough outline of the story is that the lead character will be seeking revenge on her boyfriend after finding out that he has been cheating on her, she then goes on to kidnap him and locks him in the boot of her car. However the twist will be her having and suffering from a mental health illness and the angel and the devil characters who are named Katherine and Charlie in the film will not actually be real, but they will be in the mind of the female character Megan.

Another short film idea

Another idea we came up with was to show how the truth changes when a story is told and passed on through a group of people. The narrative structure would be a tripple cycle of the same narrative, told and changed each time the story was re told, and each version of the story would get exagerated from the truth of what actually happened. The main event would be set and filmed at a house party, with typical characters that are shown in society to then be exagerated into common well known stereotypes each time the story is past on. The intended target audience would be aimed at everyone, due to the stereotypes, mostly girls would find it interesting as its based around gossip. The stories surrounding the event would be passed on through phonecall conversations, starting with the host of the party telling the origninal version of what actually happened, to her sister which then gets passed onto her sisters friend, then her sister's friend tells a different friend which would be the exagerated version. This idea to write the storyboard and to film is quite complex, also we would need to cast and rely on alot of characters to feature in the short film.

Short film-'Chicken a la carte'

This film is showing the seriousness of poverty and world hunger that is still going on to this day, and is trying to send out an important message showing that this is a true story and how thousands of people die each . The story starts off by two people going into a fast food place ordering food and sitting down eating it, the camera work is unsteady making you feel that you are also there with them, similar to how a documentry is filmed. The music is sounding quite serious and dramatic at this point. The story then goes on to reveal that the left over food from the restaurant gets taken and goes to families and young children who are too poor to afford to eat and they then start to eat the left over chicken half eaten by other people. This is when the sad music starts to kick in, roughly half way through when showing that the left over’s are being taken. This is to create a sad emotion by the audience for these people having to go through this. This type of film is aimed at any person who comes across this and views it, as its something everyone should be aware that this is going on. This film was made to be entered into a competition to be shown at a film festival, and won most popular short film as a result of this.

Short film-'Signs'

This film has a clever idea when thinking of a way to meet someone new. The theme of this short film is 'communication' and how by being non verbal and using just signs to have a conversation speaks volumes and shows silence is golden. It also shows the simplicity of finding love. The start of the film introduces the main character to the audience by showing his day to day life in normal pace edit shots, without showing too much detail and unnecssary shots. By the expressions on the mans face you can tell that he isnt completely happy with his life and is missing something, for example he looks lonely as he lives by himself and doesnt seem to fit in or have friends at work. Whilst this is being shown, the music in the background goes with this as its very slow and a sad sounding piece of music, which goes with how he's feeling inside. Which also helps the audience to connect emotionally. The story then progresses when he starts to communicate with a female in another office with the use of messages shown through the windows, and roughly half way through the film the edit pace starts to speed up as he starts to feel happier. The music changes also, to a more cheerful sound and speeds up which then indicates that something good is going to happen. The film ends with a happy ending with the two main characters meeting. Throughout the film there is no verbal dialogue just the use of story telling through signs, and the use of camera shots and filming tells the story with no complications.This film would be shown as a showcase of the directors work.