Monday, 17 January 2011

First idea for a short film

For our short film for A2, we havent been given a specific topic, except to come up with something that highlights a problem. Therefore me and my group have had a discussion and came up with the idea surrounding the issues based on domestic viloence. The idea would have a twist, as in this situation the male would be the victim, and we thought this was an unusual and a different side, as in most cases the woman is infact the victim. The main characters that would be involved in this, would be the male who will be the victim, his female partner the abuser and their young child who is witnessing what is happening. We thought it would be a good idea to have the story be looked at by the point of view of their young child, as this will have an emotional effect by the audience. The setting of this would ideally be the 'family home' as its in private and thats the main place where these sorts of situations happen. For an editing technique which would go well with this idea we thought of having the camera go from room to room which is called the 'transparent wall' to show around the house and add more effect.

Brief/Last year overview

My name is sophie and i am currently studying media at A2 level. For our AS project, last year me and my group made a two minute openeing to a film with a 'high school musical' theme, and we was the only group to have come up with a comedy piece. In my group there were four of us including myself, and we each had different roles within the group aswel as all working together. Harry was the script writer, Jazelle was the editor, Jess was the director and i did the storyboard. We all helped and came up with different and good ideas for the project we was doing, we all worked well as a group and got on good with eachother which helped us manage to complete the work we had to do on time. From doing this project, it will help us with our new one as we are a little bit more experienced with filming and digital technology and therefore we can use that knowledge and produce something better.

New project

Our new film for A2 is to produce a short film lasting no longer than five minutes long, addressing some sort of issue with a message. I feel this theme will be good for my group as the theme is the complete opposite to what we came up with last year. The theme is based on a topic abit more serious and will be a contrast to what we did last year, and will therefore show the examiner we can come up with something different. To get an understanding of what short films are like we watched a few in class to help show us what we should aim to produce. In my group there are three of us including myself, and we know each other well as we have worked with eachother before. Jazelle will be the editor, Jess will do the storyboard and i will be the director.